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Sustain, to Lead

Prysmian’s sustainability strategy

Sustain, to Lead sums up our sustainability strategy. It is the belief that shapes our goals and guides our vision.

The sustainability strategy is based on four pillars, each of which contributes to the creation of value added and allows for the implementation of long-term plans focusing on sustainability, including financial, for the benefit of the Group and all of its stakeholders.

The centrality of sustainability in Prysmian's strategy is also evident from the definition of a specific type of governance , which is responsible for overseeing all Group initiatives in a structured and rigorous manner and ensuring their alignment with ESG targets.

Prysmian is committed to reducing the negative impact on the environment during its manufacturing and installation activities and acts directly on the design and configuration of its products and solutions, helping to facilitate decarbonization along its value chain. Prysmian holds a leadership role in its supply chain by promoting virtuous practices with all its partners.

Prysmian places people at the center of its activities. This commitment is reflected both in employee initiatives (e.g., promoting work-life balance, diversity, inclusion, training) and in supporting the social communities in which the company operates.

Innovation is an indispensable element in achieving the sustainability goals of Prysmian, which has always invested in research and development to offer low-impact, high-efficiency products. The commitment to innovative solutions continues; sustainability is one of the key drivers of Prysmian's research and development strategy, reflected in the new "design for sustainability" concept.

The pillars of sustainability strategy

Ethics e Integrity

For the Prysmian Group, ethics is a categorical imperative. We have always believed that a successful company cannot be built without a solid foundation of ethical and moral principles. That is why we work every day to ensure responsible conduct throughout the entire value chain. Our daily decisions and actions are constantly guided by our Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Policy and Whistleblowing Policy. Being the bearers of innovative ideas for sustainable development and adopting fair business practices while respecting human rights: this is what business ethics and integrity mean for us. This is how over time we have consolidated the trust of our people, thousands all over the world, and all of our stakeholders.


Formalized Governance policies


Group infringements of anti-corruption regulations


Information security events handled every month in 2023

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Environmental responsability

Prysmian's ambition is to be the global benchmark in sustainability. And we nurture this ambition every day with concrete actions. We strive to be the technological player of reference in the low carbon transition. Our investments are aimed at increasingly improving sustainability along our entire value chain, to speed up the development of cable technologies, assets and advanced services. We are taken up with the development of greener and smarter power grids, aware that thinking green means thinking to digitalization. Because it will only be possible to create a virtuous and sustainable economy if it goes hand-in-hand with new technologies and an efficient system of information flows.

€25 M

Environmental investments in 2023

€7 M

“Reduction of GHG emissions and Energy Efficiency” investments

€1.5 M

“Waste management” investments


Rating in the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) environmental reporting system – Leadership band


GJ (-3.4% vs previous year) of energy consumed in 2023


(+1% vs previous year) waste sent for recycling in 2023


WASH PLEDGE signed in 2023, in line with Group HSEE policy commitments

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People, Prysmian's human capital

Prysmian has always invested in its people and in the local communities in which it operates. That is because, for us, being connected and spreading the sustainability culture means growth. We know that every one of our employees is different and has a story, and we are aware of the importance of each individual within the organization. This is the real linchpin of Prysmian’s trajectory. Caring for, valuing and cultivating our people is the goal of our Social Ambition. Because only by increasing the level of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, including digital diversity, will it be possible to become the virtuous company we strive to become.


About 30,000 employees, of whom 20% are women


Hires, +40 vs previous year from global "STEM IT" attraction and recruiting program


Desk workers involved in the P3 evaluation process, including 67% men, 31% women, 2% other category


Hours of training per capita in 2023 (+23% vs previous year)


Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements


100% of Human Rights Due Diligence of production sites completed and 9 audits performed

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Sustainable innovation for products, applications and processes

Through sustainability and innovation, the Group is strongly committed to finding new solutions, materials and processes that bring benefits. In fact, being an enabler of the energy transition and digitalization means having the ability to innovate constantly. Innovation is the driver that defines and underpins all of the Group’s social and environmental ambitions.

Innovation and sustainability are inextricably bound together, requiring Prysmian to adopt a holistic and integrated approach: efforts in innovation strengthen the commitment to achieving the long-term targets set. Sustainability is now embedded in the creation of value for customers, making it tangible and visible, through the development of innovative, green solutions.


Research and development centers


Collaborations with research centers and universities

€ 128 

In R&D capital expenditure


Patents covering the main innovations


Product families launched


Professionals operating in the R&D centers

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Prysmian in ESG indices

Daw JonesRank: 87/100 (ELQ World)
included and ranked as 1st
Rank: 87/100 (EL World)
included and ranked as 3rd
Rank 80/100 (EQL World)
included and ranked 2nd in the World score
MSCIScore: AAScore: AAScore: A
EcovadisScore: 73/100 (Platinum)Score: 74/100 (Gold)Score: 76/100 (Gold)
CDPScore Climate Change:
B (World)
Score Water Security: B
Score Climate Change:
A- (World)
Score Water Security: B
Score Climate Change:
A- (World)
Score Water Security: B
SustainalyticsRisk: 22,8 (Medium)Risk: 21,4 (Medium)Risk: 16,5 (Low)
FTSEScore: 3,8/5Score: 3,8/5Score: 3,9/5
BloombergScore: 55/100Score: 63/100Score: 65/100
StoxxIncluded (STOXX Italy 45 ESG-X
e STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X)
Included (STOXX Italy 45 ESG-X
e STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X)
Included (STOXX Italy 45 ESG-X
e STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X)
VigeoRank: 51/100Rank: 57/100Rank: 58/100

Materiality Matrix

In continuity with previous years, Prysmian conducted an in-depth analysis to define the material topics that guide its business and sustainability strategy, considering the impacts, opportunities and risks relevant to the business, in line with national and international standards and the demands of its stakeholders.

The materiality matrix, the result of this analysis, illustrates the most important topics for the company both from the viewpoint of the impacts it generates through its activity and the business relationships it has with the outside world, i.e. the environment, the people and the communities in which it operates, and from the viewpoint of the risks and economic-financial opportunities that the company may sustain or from which it can benefit.

Four of the 11 identified material topics are considered to have “high materiality”:

  • Facilitating decarbonization to achieve net-zero and digitalization: Prysmian undertakes to reduce CO emissions and to embrace digital transformation;
  • Sustainable innovation and circularity: the ongoing search for sustainable solutions and the adoption of circular models are at the heart of Prysmian’s strategy;
  • Governance, ethics and integrity: transparency, ethics and compliance are essential for the company’s success over the long term;
  • Sustainable value chain: Prysmian is committed to collaborating with its suppliers and with all the players of its value chain in order to ensure a responsible and sustainable value chain.

These topics guide Prysmian’s business decisions and contribute to creating a better future for the company, the companies in which it operates and the environment

  • Environment
  • Products
  • Governance
  • Value chain
  • Prysmian people
  • Local communities

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