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Climate Change
and Social Ambition

Climate Change Ambition

Prysmian’s climate strategy adopts science-based targets aligned with the Paris Agreement climate objectives. In fact, in 2023 the “Science-Based Targets initiative” (SBTi) approved the objectives of neutralizing emissions along Prysmian’s entire value chain by 2050.

Our goals

1. Overall Net-Zero Target

along Prysmian’s entire value chain by 2050.

2. Short-term targets

-47% Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions – in absolute terms – by 2030 compared to 2019, -28% Scope 3 emissions – in absolute terms – over the same time span.

3. Long-term targets

Reduction of the Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions – in absolute terms – by 90% by 2035 compared to 2019; Reduction of the Scope 3 emissions – in absolute terms – by 90% by 2050 compared to 2019.

Based on this commitment and in line with the SBTi-approved net-zero trajectory, Prysmian decided in January 2024 to set a goal of achieving a percentage reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions of between -55% and -60% in 2030, as compared to -47% approved by SBTi.

This target represents the Group's further commitment to the process of decarbonizing its operations by implementing internal solutions and processes that further limit its impact on the environment.

How we will achieve it


90% decarbonization of our carbon footprint


Gradual elimination of SF6 gas emissions

Renewable energy

Use of 100% renewable energy for electrical consumption

Social Ambition

Our aspiration is to build a more equal, inclusive and innovative world, starting with, but not limited to, our employees. Our Social Ambition mainly concentrates on the commitment to improve:

Health and safety

Gender equality

Racial/ethnic inclusion

Empowerment of the local communities

Digital inclusion

Upskilling and engagement

Our 2030 goals

0 Injuries

Take the injury rate close to 0 for employees and self-employed professionals



Reach gender equality (50%/50%) in white-collar work force recruitment



Reach 30% of women in senior leadership positions



Reach 25% of women within the total workforce



Increase the number of STEM women by over 500 through a fully dedicated STEM program


Zero Pay Gap

Reach the Zero Pay Gap in the white-collar workforce



Take the percentage of executives of under-represented nationalities/ethnic groups/origins to over 30%



Promote local mentoring programs for 500 students belonging to minorities and/or who are in poverty situations


Dedicate at least one project a year to developing countries and vulnerable communities

Support local projects with the donation of optical and electric cables



Connect 100% of employees (over 30,000) through global platforms while ensuring an adequate level of adoption of the tool


40 hours

Provide 40 hours a year of specialized training to all employees




Place over 25% of employees on mobility/professional growth tracks every year



Reach 50% of permanent employee shareholders with share ownership plans (YES)



Take the Engagement Survey participation rate to over 80%



Increase the Leadership Impact Index to 70-80%


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