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Economic-Financial Performance

The solid expansion of margins and the considerable cash generation reached in 2023 confirmed Prsymian’s soundness and its market leader position. We achieved excellent results and guaranteed the creation of value for all of our stakeholders, in line with the attainment of the mid-term objectives of the “Connect, to Lead” strategy.

Financial Highlights 2023 vs 2022

€15,354 M
REVENUES (organic growth) -1.1%

€1,628 M

€529 M

€1,188 M


€724 M


Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position

(Euro/million)Note31.12.2023of which related parties31.12.2022of which related parties
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment13,401 3,020 
Goodwill21,660 1,691 
Altre immobilizzazioni immateriali2411 473 
Equity-accounted investments3218218387387
Other investments at fair value through other comprehensive income410 12 
Financial assets at amortised cost 3 3 
Derivatives841 135 
Deferred tax assets16299 203 
Other receivables536 34 
Total non-current assets 6,079 5,958 
Current assets     
Inventories62,264 2,241 
Trade receivables51,98731,942-
Other receivables51,05429783
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss785 270 
Derivatives880 71 
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income424 11 
Cash and cash equivalents91,741 1,285 
Total current assets 7,235 6,798 
Assets held for sale109 - 
Total assets 13,323 12,756 
Share capital1128 27 
Reserves113,224 3,054 
Group share of net profit/(loss)11529 504 
Equity attributable to the Group 3,781 3,585 
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests 191 186 
Total equity 3,972 3,771 
Non-current liabilities      
Borrowings from banks and other lenders122,488 2,744 
Employee benefit obligations15333 329 
Provisions for risks and charges1458 31 
Deferred tax liabilities16222 187 
Derivatives847 61 
Other payables1353 28 
Total non-current liabilities 3,201 3,380 
Current liabilities     
Borrowings from banks and other lenders12608 323 
Provisions for risks and charges1475356658
Derivatives857 72 
Trade payables132,19942,71817
Other payables132,46951,6942
Current tax payables2764 133 
Total current liabilities 6,150 5,605 
Total liabilities 9,351 8,985 
Total equity and liabilities 13,323 12,756 

Consolidated Income Statement

(Euro/million)Note2023of which related parties2022of which related parties
Sales1715,354 16,067 
Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress1852 (30) 
Other income19706707
Total sales and income 15,476 16,107 
Raw materials, consumables and supplies20(9,705) (10,588) 
Fair value change in derivatives of commodities 6 (31) 
Personnel costs21(1,804)(13)(1,758)(16)
Amortisation, depreciation, impairment and impairment reversals22(574) (403) 
Other expenses23(2,572)(7)(2,525)(8)
Share of net profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies2433334747
Operating income 860 849 
Finance costs25(1,093) (1,116) 
Finance income26997 1,006 
Profit/(loss) before taxes 764 739 
Taxes27(217) (230) 
Net profit/(loss) 547 509 
Of which:     
- attributable to non-controlling interests 18 5 
- Group share 529 504 
Basic earnings/(loss) per share (in Euro)281.94 1.91 
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (in Euro)281.84 1.90 

Other Comprehensive Income Statement

Net profit/(loss)547509
Other comprehensive income:
A) Change in cash flow hedge reserve:547509
- Profit/(loss) for the year(45)(46)
- Taxes1012
B) Other changes relating to cash flow hedges:(19)(11)
- Profit/(loss) for the year(24)(15)
- Taxes54
C) Change in currency translation reserve(201)142
D) Financial instruments at fair value:(8)-
- Profit/(loss) for the year(10)109
- Taxes2(30)
E) Actuarial gains/(losses) on employee benefits:(8)79
- Profit/(loss) for the year(10)109
- Taxes2(30)
Total other comprehensive income (A+B+C+D+E):(271)176
Total comprehensive income/(loss):276685
Of which:
- attributable to non-controlling interests811
- Group share268674

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

(Euro/million)Share capitalCash flow hedge reserveCurrency translation reserveOther reservesGroup share of net profit/(loss)Equity attributable to the GroupEquity attributable to non-controlling interestsTotal
Balance at 31 December 20222770(174)3,1585043,5851863,771
Allocation of prior year net profit1--503(504)---
Fair value share-based payment---56-56157
Dividend distribution---(158)-(158)(7)(165)
Acquisition of non-controlling interest---(5)-(5)-(5)
Effect of hyperinflation---35-35338
Total comprehensive income/(loss)-(35)(193)(33)5292688276
Balance at 31 December 20232835(367)3,5565293,7811913,972

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

 (Euro/million)2023of which related parties2022of which related parties
 Profit/(loss) before taxes764 739 
 Amortisation, depreciation and impairment574 403 
 Net gains on disposal of fixed assets- (1) 
 Share of net profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies(33)(33)(47)(47)
 Dividends received from equity-accounted companies13131010
 Share-based payments5721044
 Fair value change in metal derivatives(6) 31 
 Net finance costs96 110 
 Changes in inventories(88) (171) 
 Changes in trade receivables/payables(523)(16)(175)12
 Changes in other receivables/payables8084241-
 Change in employee benefit obligations(16) (16) 
 Change in provisions for risks98 31 
 Net income taxes paid(328) (221) 
A,Cash flow from operating activities1,416 1,038 
 Cash flow from acquisitions and/or disposals- (7) 
 Investments in property, plant and equipment(599) (429) 
 Disposals of property, plant and equipment- 2 
 Investments in intangible assets(25) (25) 
 Investments in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial assets at amortised cost(33) (39) 
 Disposals of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss214 - 
 Investments in financial assets or equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income(48) - 
B,Cash flow from investing activities(491) (498) 
 Capital contributions and other changes in equity(4) - 
 Dividend distribution(165) (148) 
 Proceeds of new loans120 1,335 
 Repayments of loans(200) (2,000) 
 Changes in other net financial receivables/payables and other movements(103) (77) 
 Finance costs paid(140) (88) 
 Finance income received68 17 
C,Cash flow from financing activities(424) (961) 
D,Net currency translation difference on cash and cash equivalents(45) 4 
E,Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C+D)456 (417) 
F,Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period1,285 1,702 
G,Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period (E+F)1,741 1,285 

Financial performance by business area (organization as at 31 December 2023)

(Euro/million)SALESAdjusted EBITDA
20232022Organic growth20232022Margin 2023Margin 2022
INDUSTRIAL & NWC3,3583,4421,7%36125210.8%7.3%

Financial performance by business area (new organization as of 1 January 2024)

(Euro/million)SALESAdjusted EBITDA
POWER GRID3,3943,6052,791390194162
DIGITAL SOLUTIONS1,4891,8731,585140271220

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